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The Russian Fishery Company congratulated its sponsors on the anniversary


The Russian Fishery Company (RFC) congratulated the staff of the correctional boarding school of the first type for deaf and hard of hearing children on the anniversary date. This year, the RFC sponsored school celebrates its 95th anniversary from the date of foundation.

In honor of the holiday, RFC presented the school with a certificate for the purchase of new computer equipment, educational animation programs, as well as a large birthday cake.

"It is very important that the guys could find themselves in the future, realize themselves in some profession or creativity. Our friendship with the school is getting stronger every year. We are watching the guys grow, develop, learn something new, and we are very happy to be involved in their success," said Viktor Litvinenko, CEO of the Russian Fishery Company.

Viktor Litvinenko, CEO of the Russian Fishery Company

The social partnership between the RFC and the type I correctional boarding school for deaf and hard of hearing children has been going on for several years. The company helps children to adapt in society, find a hobby to their liking, master the skills of various professions. At the end of 2019, with the support of the RFC, an animation studio was created on the basis of the school, in which children are engaged with great enthusiasm and already demonstrate their skills at All-Russian animation competitions. The company also pays for the work of a studio teacher. In 2020 RFC has equipped technology classes at the school with modern lathes and sewing machines.


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