Keel laid for the sixth Russian supertrawler for the Russian Fishery Company
At the Admiralty shipyards (St. Petersburg) the keel of the sixth supertrawler of ten fishing vessels to be built in Russia for the Russian Fishery Company (RFC) was laid.
“The construction of the new fleet is actively moving forward, despite the objective difficulties that shipbuilders face. With each new vessel, the competence of Russian specialists grows, valuable experience is gained in the construction of fishing vessels, which has been practically lost over the past years, ”said Viktor Litvinenko, general director of the RFC. - Four Russian supertrawlers for the RFC have already been launched, today the sixth was laid down. Thus, we are successfully creating an advanced fleet of vessels that will effectively develop the national reserves of aquatic biological resources, create a high added value of fish products in the country. We are confident that if, in the course of further development of the investment quotas program, the interests of investors who started such projects at the first stage are protected and new vessels are loaded at 100% capacity, these projects will provide maximum returns for the country's economy. "
The sixth supertrawler of the series is named "Mechanic Shcherbakov" in honor of the industry and RFC veteran, war veteran, chief mechanic Ilya Yakovlevich Shcherbakov (1930 - 2020).
Having started his career as a mechanic on fishing vessels, he grew up to a senior mechanic of a large-tonnage vessel. While working, he graduated from the school for working youth, and later received a higher technical education. Ilya Yakovlevich has made many rationalization proposals. He readily passed on his experience and knowledge to young specialists, leading the brigade training courses. For his conscientious work, the senior mechanic Shcherbakov received gratitude on a historic day for the industry - the first Fisherman's Day in the history of the USSR on July 11, 1965. For his courage and heroism during emergency operations at sea, he was included in the "Golden Book of Honor" of the main directorate of the fishing industry of the Far East. In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
In total, 10 vessels will be built by the Admiralty shipyards for the RFC. The trawler construction project is being implemented within the framework of the state program of "investment quotas" aimed at updating the domestic fishing fleet and increasing the efficiency of the development of valuable national biological resources. One more supertrawler, Vladimir Limanov, was built outside the program at the Tersan shipyard (Turkey) and has already been commissioned.
The supertrawlers for the RFC are the largest and most technologically advanced Russian fishing vessels. Each new vessel is designed for an annual catch of 60 thousand tons of fish, which is 2.5 times higher than the productivity of the vessels that are today the basis of the fishing fleet in the Far East of the Russian Federation.
The features of the new fleet will be significantly increased production capacity, maximum safety, high environmental friendliness and improved working and rest conditions for crews. The vessels will be equipped with a modern factory capable of deep waste-free processing of the entire catch into products with high added value.
Supertrawlers of the Russian Fishery Company will be able to operate in the most difficult weather conditions, which will extend the effective fishing time. Equipping with modern technological equipment will make it possible to produce high-margin products from pollock and herring on board, including a new product - surimi. Currently, this highly demanded product of deep processing in Russia is not produced.
The commissioning of new fishing vessels and the development of Pollock fillet and surimi production will allow the company to significantly reduce its environmental impact. Thanks to its fuel efficiency, the carbon footprint of the new RFC fleet is the lowest among the world's Pollock harvesters.