Metal cutting has begun for the eighth vessel in a series of supertrawlers for the Russian Fishery Company (RFC) at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Admiralty Shipyards is building 10 supertrawlers for RFC under the investment quotas program. The fourth vessel in the new fleet, a large freezer fishing trawler "Kapitan Martynov", had the Russian state flag raised on March 1. The first three trawlers in the series are already operating in the Okhotsk and Bering Seas and are demonstrating high production rates.
The new vessels have a capacity of 60,000 tons of fish per year and can deep-process up to 100% of the catch. The supertrawlers are equipped with the highest level of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness currently available. The crews are provided with the most comfortable and safe working and living conditions on board.
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