The Russian Fishery Company congratulated industry veterans on the eve of Fisherman's Day
On the eve of the Fisherman’s Day, the RFC traditionally invites veterans of the fishing industry to congratulate, give gifts, treat to fish soup and pilaf. At this time, old fishermen come to visit their native pier, while the RFC team to thank the people who stood at the origin of the fishing industry in the Far East. On July 5, on the pier of TURNIF veterans (Far Eastern fishing company being a member of the RFC), the fishermen met again and shared their memories.
“The Fisherman's Day for me is the most touching, the best holiday. I celebrated my first Fisherman's Day in 1965, when the Ministry of Fisheries established this holiday, that’s when I put out to sea for the first time, and underwent my “testing”. Then I worked at sea for 40 years on whalers and fishing vessels. I worked as an electric engineer on board, and when I was signed off, I worked as an electrician on the pier. This pier is my homeland.”
Many who came that day experienced similar feelings. It maybe said without much exaggeration, it was a meeting of kindred spirits who selflessly love the work to which they devoted their whole lives.
The TURNIF Veterans Council unites 163 people. Two of them are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, four are home front workers, 76 persons are war children. The RFC pays great attention to its veterans, takes care of their health and social well-being.