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Russian Fishery Company congratulated veterans on Victory Day


On the eve of Victory Day, the Russian Fishery Company congratulated its veterans of the Great Patriotic War. As a gift from the company the veterans received household appliances and medical devices.

Such meetings are traditional for the RFC and always take place with special warmth. This year, taking into account the current epidemiological situation, official holiday events were canceled. But RFC found an opportunity to congratulate veterans on a great holiday. Gifts were given to veterans in the courtyards of their houses in compliance with all safety precautions.

Among the former employees of the company only 7 WWII veterans remained. RFC is proud of its veterans and provides comprehensive support to those who performed a military and labor feat in difficult times for the country.

“Today we live in peacetime. We and our children have a future. This is possible thanks to the great Victory! - said the RFC’s CEO Viktor Litvinenko. “Fortunately, we still have the opportunity to personally say “Thank you” for this Victory to our veterans and with a great sense of gratitude to provide them with the necessary assistance.”

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