RFC increased the output of deep processing products by 50% in the first quarter of 2022
The Russian Fishery Company (RFC), one of the world leaders in the production of Pollock, in the first quarter of 2022 maintained its course to increase the output of deep-processed products from Pollock and produced 50% more fillets, mince and surimi than in the same period of 2021.
The volume of RFC’s products of deep processing in January-March exceeded 17,000 tons, including almost 4,000 tons of a new product - surimi. The production of surimi began in 2021 due to the commissioning of the first supertrawler "Vladimir Limanov".
“The company's strategic priorities remain the same. The development of the production of deep processing products allows the company to diversify its product portfolio, increase revenue from the sale of products, and guarantee its high quality to the consumer. We also see new opportunities for development in the domestic market. In particular, there is a prospect of replacing imports of Pangasius and Telapia fillets with tropical fish surimi. Wild ocean Pollock, which is of high quality and affordable price, will be a more than worthy alternative.”
The company will continue to increase the volume of deep processing at sea during the year. It is expected that in the coming months the company will receive two new supertrawlers in addition to the Vladimir Limanov supertrawler already operating in the field. The processing capacities of new generation vessels allow for deep processing of up to 100% of catches on board.