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The acting governor of the Murmansk region took part in the solemn ceremony of the main equipment installation at the fish processing plant "Russian cod"


The main equipment installation started at the Russian Cod plant, which Russian Fishing Company (RFS) is building in Murmansk together with the Agama Group. The plant is being built within the framework of the state program of investment quotas for the construction of fishing vessels and fish processing plants. High-quality products of the plant will be available on the shelves of Murmansk stores, as well as federal retail chains this year. The start-up of the plant is scheduled for September 2019.

The representatives of RFC top-management and the acting governor of the Murmansk region Andrei Chibis attended the solemn ceremony dedicated to the key stage of the first RFC investment project in the Northern Fisheries Basin.

“The fact that fish processing is developing in Murmansk, in the Murmansk region, is difficult to overestimate,” said Andrei Chibis. - We are very pleased that we have investors, who is building the plant ahead of the plan. These are 210 jobs that the Murmansk people will get, which is of fundamental importance for us.”

“This year, the plant will be commissioned and products of premium quality will appear on the shelves of Murmansk stores and federal retail chains, ” RFC CEO Fyodor Kirsanov commented. - The development of deep processing in Russia means quality control at all stages of production, new jobs, additional contributions to the budget, including from the export of products with high added value instead of raw exports. As a result, both the industry, and the consumer, and the state benefit. ”

The design capacity of the plant is more than 50 tons of finished products from Cod and Haddock per day. The modern equipment for the proper defrosting of raw materials and freezing of finished products ensures the preservation of the quality and valuable nutritional properties of fish.

Within the implementation of the Russian Cod project, advanced technologies in the field of fish processing are being introduced in Russia. The equipment includes an innovative robotic line for cutting Cod fillets from Icelandic company Marel. The “artificial intelligence” of the unique equipment analyzes the structure of the raw material and allows achieving exceptional quality of fillet cutting with minimal damage to the fish structure and a high degree of bone removal.

With the commissioning of the enterprise, the region will receive more than 200 new jobs, as well as additional contributions to the budget. It is planned that the amount of tax deductions of the enterprise will exceed 50 million rubles a year, including more than 40 million to the budget of the Murmansk region.

The plans of the Russian Fishing Company include the construction of another Cod and Haddock processing plant in Murmansk with a capacity of at least 25 tons of finished products per day. Currently, the application for the allocation of quotas for this project has been approved for participation in the auction in the framework of the state investment quotas program.

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