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Russian Fishery Company to assess projects at AGAMA.RUN innovation laboratory

The Russian Fishery Company (RFC) will assess innovative fish product ideas featuring pollock during the fourth season of AGAMA.RUN incubator in 2023. Food technology and biotechnology teams will progress from a basic future product idea to a supermarket shelf in just three months.

On August 28, the Russian Fishery Company and AGAMA entered into a partnership agreement for joint development of an R&D incubator project called AGAMA.RUN, with the aim of supporting student projects that create innovative food products from deep sea fishing while retaining their health benefits.

During the incubator activities, the student teams will undertake the complete process of bringing their own product idea to life, which includes developing the recipe, selecting the production process, choosing the packaging, and working on the concept and design. As per its rules, particular emphasis is placed on the following criteria: the product should be functional, delicious, and visually appealing, free from any harmful additives and dyes, and have a minimum shelf life of six months. At the incubator's finals, the teams will defend their projects and present a finished product ready for scaling up and distribution in retail outlets to the jury.

Russian Fishery Company will participate in the project for the first time, with one of its objectives being to promote products made from wild white fish. In May of this year, the company hosted the first-ever pollock festival in Russia in collaboration with the Gastronomic Map of Russia and Visit Primorye. The festival was divided into a restaurant segment and a street segment. Over the course of the festival, more than 300,000 residents and visitors of Primorye attended the event, with restaurant chefs preparing over 30,000 pollock dishes, ranging from smoked pollock wraps to pollock ice cream. RFC consistently backs projects that promote the consumption of natural, eco-friendly products, and has been collaborating with leading universities for many years to train staff for the fishing industry. RFC is confident that its participation in AGAMA.RUN 2023 will bring interesting and feasible ideas for the market. Follow the competition outcome, RFC will present additional awards to exceptional project participants.

AGAMA.RUN 2023 incubator is an inventive take on the traditional startup incubator applied within the realm of food technology. The initiative aims to assist budding professionals in developing innovative food products and subsequently introducing them to the Russian market. The incubator program provides students with a chance to gain a better understanding of their profession and future employer expectations, while seasoned mentors and leading industry experts assist in elevating the product ideas of the next generation of fish process engineers to an investment level.

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