At the Admiralty shipyards (St. Petersburg), the keel of the fourth of ten fishing vessels for the Russian Fishery Company (RFC) has been laid.
Together with «Mechanic Sizov», laid in June this year, the new vessel makes the second pair of supertrawlers, which will be commissioned in 2022. The first pair of vessels - "Captain Vdovichenko" and "Mechanic Maslak" - are planned to be commissioned in 2021.
“The entire series of vessels will be built in pairs, thus, starting next year, we will receive two new vessels annually. We look forward to an increase in the pace of construction with each new pair,” commented Dmitry Sapov, RFC’s Deputy General Director for Fleet Construction.
The trawler will be named "Captain Martynov" in honor of the Far Eastern Fleet captain Viktor Nikolaevich Martynov (1954-2002).
Supertrawlers for the RFC are the largest and most technologically saturated Russian fishing vessels. Each new vessel is designed for an annual catch of more than 60 thousand tons of fish, which is 2.5 times higher than the productivity of vessels, which today form the basis of the fishing fleet in the Far East of the Russian Federation. Investments in the construction of a series of 10 vessels exceed 65 billion rubles.
The features of the new fleet will be significantly increased production capacity, maximum safety, high environmental friendliness and improved working and leisure conditions for crews. The vessels will be equipped with a modern factory capable of deep non-waste processing of the catch into products with high added value, primarily Pollock fillet and surimi.