Metal cutting started for the fourth RFC’s super trawler at the Admiralty Shipyards
Metal cutting for the fourth super trawler of the Russian Fishery Company from the series under construction at the Admiralty Shipyards (St. Petersburg) has begun. It is planned that the keel of the vessel will be laid on the slipway in August next year, commissioning is scheduled for 2022.
“We have received one more clear confirmation that a large-scale, technologically complex, new for the Russian shipyard project is being implemented in compliance with the planned timelines. The modern and highly efficient fleet of the RFC takes shape, and the shipbuilders of the Admiralty shipyards, with the support of our company’s specialists, gain unique experience in the field of civil shipbuilding,” said Viktor Litvinenko, RFC’s CEO.
A series of 10 vessels, which is being built at the Admiralty Shipyards, will be commissioned starting from 2021. Vessels are built in pairs, two vessels a year with an interval of three months between laying and breaks for about a year between pairs. Currently, on the slipway of the Admiralty Shipyards, the hull of the first ship is assembled by 90%, of the second - by 55%. The overall readiness of the first two vessels is about 40% and 30%, respectively. The installation of basic equipment and systems on the first vessel is already underway, preparations for installation on the second are underway.
The launch of the first pair of super trawlers is scheduled for next spring.
Each new vessel that will be built for the Russian Fishery Company is designed for an annual catch of about 60 thousand tons of fish. This is twice as much as the performance of the vessels that make up today the fleet of the RFC and many other Russian companies operating in the basin. The vessels will be equipped with a modern factory capable of carrying out deep waste-free processing of the entire catch into high value-added products, primarily Pollock fillets and surimi. The capacity of such a factory for the production of high added value products is more than doubled compared with analogues.
The construction of a series of 10 vessels at the Admiralty Shipyards for RFC is carried out as part of the state program of investment quotas. The total investment in construction is more than 65 billion rubles.