RFC and Russian Crab launched an environmental education program for schoolchildren
Russian Fishery Company LLC (RFC) and Russian Crab CG together with ecologists of Iskra. Expert Company launched an environmental education program in schools in Vladivostok. The program is arranged as part of the Clean Coast project implemented by the RFC since 2020, and it includes a course of seminars for students in grades 7-8, as well as a grant competition for schoolchildren’s environmental projects.
The goal of the environmental education program is to assist in solving the environmental problems of the region by improving the environmental culture of schoolchildren, identifying and supporting environmental initiatives. Preservation of the ecosystem of the sea and coastal territory is among the priorities of the RFC and the Russian Crab.
The Clean Coast project has proven its effectiveness and relevance, and we see the potential for scaling it up. This year we are joining forces with the Russian Crab company, attracting environmental experts and including environmental education for schoolchildren in the project. We are sure that environmentally responsible behavior, the foundations of which are laid in childhood, is an important condition for the well-being of the region.”
“We are joining the Clean Coast project because we consider environmental protection an important part of the company's sustainable development. Maintaining the environmental balance is necessary for both people and populations of aquatic biological resources, which the Far Eastern seas are best known for. I am sure that our environmental initiative will resonate with the city residents. People are ready to make the world around them cleaner and better but they need to be directed, given confidence that everyone's contribution is important. We are ready by our example and support to involve them in environmental volunteering.”
The first lesson of ecologists with schoolchildren was devoted to the topic Wasting time. Experts spoke about the recycling of garbage, as well as the ideas of reasonable consumption, which enables to use things and gadgets longer.
During the first lesson, a green grants competition was announced where the children will present their own environmental projects, the best of which will obtain funding from the RFC and the Russian Crab company for their implementation.
The Clean Coast program is aimed at conserving and protecting water resources and drawing public attention to the problems of environmental pollution. Since 2020, with the RFC’s financial support, volunteers have been transported to the place of work and provided with everything necessary for cleaning the area. Regular garbage removal from Shchitovaya Bay is arranged at the Company’s expense.
Last weekend, the first clean-up event of the new Clean Coast season was held. In total, more than 200 bags of garbage were collected, including more than 80 bags of plastic, 60 bags of glass. Collected garbage was sorted, each type of waste was sent to the appropriate waste landfill.