Letter to RFC Group contractors, customers and clients
Letter to RFC Group contractors, customers and clients in relation to anti-COVID-19 safety measures taken by the Group
LLC “Russian Fishery” and its Group of Companies (hereinafter together referred to as “RFC Group”) demonstrate responsible approach and immediate reaction to the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Primarily RFC Group pays attention to protect health of its office employees, vessel crews, partners, customers and clients, preserving a high level of customer service and meeting the increased demand for fish products.
RFC Group has established the Operational Unit for Prevention of the Spread of a New Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19), which is responsible for on daily operational management issues related to prevention of COVID-19 spread. The Operational Unit carries out comprehensive monitoring and interaction with governmental authorities, such as Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Human Welfare and Consumer Rights Protection of Russia), and medical institutions.
RFC Group follows the recommendations and regulatory requirements of international organizations, including:
1) Recommendations of the World Health Organization, e.g.:- Temporary recommendations “Operational Considerations for Managing COVID-19 Cases/ Outbreak on Board of the Ships: Interim Guidance”, 24 February 2020
- Handbook for Management of Public Health Events on Board of the Ships of 201
- Guidance for Ship Operators for the Protection of the Health of Seafarers, 3 March 2020,
- Circular Letter No.4204 dated 31 January 2020 «Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)».
3) Recommendations of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), namely the ”COVID-19 and Food Safety: Guidance for Food Businesses: Interim Guidance”, 7 April 2020.
RFC Group complies with specific regulations and recommendations of governmental authorities of the Russian Federation, including the provisions of:- Federal Law of March 30 1999 No. 52 “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population”,
- Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 18 2020 No. 7 “On Ensuring the Isolation Regime in Order to Prevent the Spread of COVID-2019”,
- Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.1.3597-20 "Prevention of a New Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)",
- Recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor (including those which set forth in letters dated 23 March 2020 No. 02/4745-2020-32, 29 April 2020 No. 02/8280-2020-32, 30 April 2020 No. 02\8480-2020-24 “On addressing recommendations on the organization of work on a shifts (rotation) scheme under the conditions of COVID-19 spread”)
- weekly laboratory testing for COVID-19 for office employees and vessel crew members of RFC Group;
- whilst changing crews of RFC Group vessels every crew member stays in self-isolation conditions with mandatory multiple testing for coronavirus infection (COVID-19) before arriving to the vessel. Vessels depart only with those crew members whose required number of tests for COVID-19 are negative;
- the production of fish products on RFC Group fleet is carried out in compliance with the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and eliminates bacterial and viral infection of the products
- since March 18, 2020 strict requirements are established:
- for personal hygiene of employees and visitors of RFC Group’s offices,
- disinfection of workplaces and common areas,
- daily entrance control of employees and visitors is carried out with mandatory thermometry (non-contact) (two-time thermometry for employees) and access is prohibited to persons with high body temperature (above 37°C) and signs of SARS (runny nose, cough, etc.)
Additional means of prophylactics have been purchased for vessels and onshore facilities of RFC Group: non-contact thermometers, individual disinfectants, dispensers with disinfectants, face masks and respirators, gloves, protective suits, equipment for disinfection and air purification;
- since March 18, 2020 and up-to-date remote work has been organized for 80 percent of the employees of the offices of RFC Group using corporate IT services. Applied IT services allow RFC Group to control the production processes remotely. The effectiveness of communications within RFC Group and with external contractors was not affected and remained on the high level;
- since March 23, 2020 employees who arrive from countries with an increased risk of infection, as well as from other regions with negative situation with the spread of coronavirus infection, stay in self-isolation for 14 days after return with prohibited access to their workplace and/or the offices of RFC Group. It is recommended that all employees of RFC Group do not leave the region of the Russian Federation in which their workplace is assigned;
- RFC Group takes a responsible approach to the selection of counterparties that deliver fish products from the fishing areas, entrusting fish products delivery only to those reefer cargo fleet partners who responsibly apply all the necessary measures aimed at preventing crews of transport vessels from COVID-19 infection
All these measures are aimed to ensure the safety of working conditions and the health of office employees, crews of the RFC Group vessels, the safety of fish products manufactured on vessels and eliminate risks for customers of RFC Group and consumers of fish products.